Palmitoylethanolamide PEA Autism ADHD Studies

Autism & ADHD Studies

Positive Research News for AWS with Endocannabinoid Palmitoylethanolamide Supplement

Here are the highlights of the excellent review paper.

  1.  Palmitoylethanolamide as adjunctive therapy for autism: Efficacy and safety results from a randomized controlled trial.  Abstract  Treatment over 10 weeks in children with autism.   At trial endpoint (week 10), combination of PEA and risperidone had superior efficacy in ameliorating the ABC-irritability and hyperactivity/noncompliance symptoms.  The findings suggest that PEA may augment therapeutic effects of risperidone on autism-related irritability and hyperactivity. Future studies are warranted to investigate whether PEA can serve as a stand-alone treatment for autism.
  2. Beneficial Effects of Co-Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide/Luteolin in a Mouse Model of Autism and in a Case Report of Autism.   Abstract.  Yes, these researchers gave mice autism by shooting them with sodium valproate.  Sounds odd, but appears to give a decent model to test medicines.  Supplementing mice with Palmitoylethanolamide appeared to improve their anti-social and non-social behaviours.  The same researchers supplemented a 10 year old boy with autism which appear to help his clinical picture.  ie ” improved clinical picture with reduction in stereotypes in a 10-year-old male child”.  They suggest that PEA may control the activation of mast cells and microglia (which release chemicals that cause inflammation).  Again called for more research.
  3. The pharmacology of palmitoylethanolamide and first data on the therapeutic efficacy of some of its new formulations.  Article.    Well put together article that concludes: “Preclinical and human studies indicate that PEA, especially when co‐micronized together with antioxidants, such as luteolin and polydatin, and in micronized or ultra‐micronized forms, is a therapeutic tool with high potential for the effective treatment of different pathologies characterized by neurodegeneration, (neuro)inflammation and pain.”